Thursday, March 17, 2011

Life is a joke!

Please do not easily agree with me. Neither should you totally dismiss what i am about to say (type) too fast!

But I find life a practical joke. Impractically practical. Okay, paradoxical life.

Anyway, I wonder why are we even here on Earth? Rather than, 'What on Earth are you doing here?' we should ask ourselves 'What we WE doing here on Earth?!'

Being a 'fresh grad' who suddenly plopped into a cheena-fied SME in Malaysia, I can't think of anything but 'no life'. First job upon graduation, pay scale is to the peanuts. You work like as though you are taking on 3 people's work. What are you doing on Earth? Slaving yourselves away to bring in more profit for the bigger fishes? And at the end, pay for more just to afford the big fishes' products and services?

Life is impractical. We laugh at ourselves, knowing how silly we can be and yet, still repeat the same silly mistakes. We are a big walking and talking paradox. Ironic. Or whatever words that suddenly pops up in your mind.

Why work so hard for money? Why bother impressing others? Why bother thinking about how others think about us? Isn't it just so impractical?

I am starting to get irritated when people start telling me 'wah, she is so rich.... she can afford this/that/whatever bla bla'. Like, 'okay... i am 'so interested' in your Gucci'. Get a life man! If I were to choose something, I rather choose my RM10 pasar malam handbag or those free ones that Mum gave me whenever she purchases her beauty products from Parkson. Oh yeah, these bags lasted me for like, 5 - 8 years? And they are still as beautiful as ever! Nicer than your LV-ed bag. Too much branding over it, looks so cluttered. And looks so Chee Cheong Kai - ish if you know what I am saying!

We rush and work so hard for things we don't have but want. So, are we trying to say that we have what we have and we take it all for granted and then push ourselves harder to achieve the 20% we don't have? Chances of losing the 80% we already have is so high! Sky rocketing high! But are we seeing it in this perspective? No...

We are governed by a new religion with a new 'God' now.

The new 'God' is Money and the religion is what we call it Capitalism.

Sounds familiar?

Tepuk dada tanya selera. Ask yourself, why are you subscribing to Capitalism? I am not trying to be Holier-than-Thou here but you get what I mean right? Why bother to worry about what Capitalism is trying to make us turn into, when we were instilled with 1001 moral values that we just threw out of the window at the sight of Bills. Dirty Bills. Cash. Money. Smelly and crumpled notes. Soiled notes.

We are 'worshipping' cash nowadays. Like it or not, we make it a must to think about cash everyday. Good to say good riddance to Batter Trade System, i don't produce butter anyway. But point being, we are consistently thinking of ways to earn more, disregarding the fact that with every little increase, we are killing ourselves and the less monetarily fortunate ones.

When you are poor, you feel the pinch. when you are rich, you are afraid someone may rob you. Either way, you lose. Oh people of poor faith like how you and I are. How we suffer because of what we want.

Life is really a big paradox by itself. But that does not mean we have to lose our humanity in times of trials and temptation. If you see someone fall, extend a helping hand and not point a finger and laugh at him. If you see someone in need of a friend, be that friend to this person. If people condemn you even after you have done something good, continue doing good. Chances are, they are just plainly jealous of your ability to do good. You think corporate stinko's are able to be as good as you are? Or are the mediocre fools able to see things from your perspective?

Sometimes, we know what should be done and what should not be done. We know our values. We know what is good and what is not good. But we choose not to do good if there are certain 'clauses' governing us from making that right decision. We are often at awe, looking at volunteers sacrificing themselves to do good and help other people out. We can also be a part of this team. But we choose not to.

So, at the end of the day, our own selfishness caused us yet again to be what we are. We want to be good but we are not willing to sacrifice enough to do good.

It is easier to be bad than to be good. Live with it.

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