Monday, May 3, 2010

My life, my happiness

After coming to terms with how life will always be a bitch to everyone, I guess I saw through life with my boyfriend and a good friend and pondered about how dangerous life and people could be towards one another.

Karma sounds like the kind of thing people always use against you to tell you of things you do. Normally under circumstances that do not favor them, even though most of the time these people dishing the word Karma out are the perpetrators themselves. I guess I've met a very big one myself and the scars remained and will always be there forever and ever amen.

Anyway, I am glad that most of this episode is over although I know that that black shadow haunting my conscience will always be a deterring factor. But it is entirely up to me if I want to let it deter me from reaching greater heights.

And I've only some short stuff to say to that person who is trying to plan out something to benefit only himself: we hope your plans do not succeed, especially if you have ill-intent. Please do not be a crawler...

Please do not be angry or upset that you cannot match another person and take your anger and frustration out on others.

And for those who have always been here for me, thanks.

And for those still plotting revenge and hoping to strike it hard, please spare the living and channel your anger and convert it into some other energy to be used. Take a hike, swim or dive into the ocean. After looking at such beautiful life we have, do you still think you want to be a revengeful soul?

Everyone makes mistakes. And maturity is what distinguishes us from being a child and being an adult.

Sounds corny, but as how one gives his love and trust freely to you, reciprocate and pay it forward. Pave a life of goodness and kindness based on how we all wish the world can be kind to us. Love one another, care for one another. Find that inner conscience, that human heart that distinguishes us from our fellow living creatures on Earth.

I am thankful that I have supportive friends who loves me for myself. And a wonderful boyfriend whom I can tell him anything and everything..

To Matt:

Thank you for everything. Thank you for being a therapeutic listening ear whenever I needed one. Thank you for always spending time to make me happy even though it deprieves you of good sleeping hours. Thank you for always doing more to show that you love me. Thank you for sacrificing and doing things for me when I couldn't, even up to the extent of taking care of all laundry woes and cleaning the house up. Thank you for always trying to give me the best and working harder in order to provide the best for me. Thank you also, for the most important thing in life: Your unending love, care and attention. You gave me room to grow and you never restricted me, but instead guided me with a gentle touch and silently telling me how to do better. You give me my freedom to achieve what I can and encourage me so that I may do better. You never hamper me, rail or scream at me but gave encouraging words. You took in all the sadness and never once gave it to me. You swallowed all the pain and agony of my temper and made me realize that anger is not the way for me to vent my frustration. You showed me things that I failed to see and you made me a better person.

Thank you for everything you've done all these while. I love you and I will continue to love you forever and ever.

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