Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Of Trusting and Expecting to be given Trust...

Had any conversations with anyone recently about the matter called 'trust'?

I had...

I had a friend I knew since primany school. She was my best friend. I still consider her my 'very good friend' although I threw out that terminology called 'best friend' ever since I was 15. But something in my heart just knocked my head so hard, I couldn't sleep that night.

Dee, as what I called her last time, used to be this puny little kid with big red glasses. Always running around and apparently, according to others, she is 'irritating'. Being a good friend of hers, I could get along with her. Probably because both of us are 'skippers', or they called us the PTS kids. First batch and always proud to be ONE!!

At that time, we all had nothing to lose. But everything else to gain when we give people our trust and hope that they will in return, trust us. It paid off. And those were the years we went through, with people hating our guts and some plainly out of jealousy that we did better than them during exams even though i spent 50% of my time crying in class after being bullied and she runs around irritating others. Naah.. to me she is just having fun. But to those who kena kacau, i don't know la..

Years passed. We all moved on in life. And when i looked back in time and thought about the 'i trust you, so do you think you can trust me' time we all used to have when we were kids, I wonder if our fattened EGOs have made us selfish, unrelentlessly trying to squeeze every drop of humaneness from another person and refuse to trust a person until that person proves to you that he/she can be trusted?

For a person to trust you, shouldn't you let them know that you are willing to trust him/her and give them their needed space to work?

But no... Some bloated and proud man once said, "Do I trust you, uh?" and it was in my face. I will never forget that day I stepped into his office. And I swore upon my death that I will never have anything to do with that kind of a boss ever in my life. And maybe I spoke too soon that time, I had a few like that after that anyway. Fated or cursed, for you to decide. But I guess, experience made me realize that people, with a lot of successes and a lot of "Yeah, I did it MYSELF" instances will make them over-proud.

And they don't know how it hurts those people who really need to be trusted, because everyone reacts differently to different situation. Its not that we don't want to be loyal to you but sometimes, we just need that trust and space to do things. Without that, many people suffer from burnout, lack of space to work, being hawked and they spend more time worrying about 'what will happen if this or that happens?', or worst could ever happen is the fact that they were not given a chance to fail, fall flat on their faces and stand up and continue the fight.

Like it or not, its BECAUSE OF THAT, and that very tough reason, it made job hopping more rampant. And don't you just love the Americans who have been serving those American companies for over 20 years or all their lives? First job = last job?

I want to have that too. But at the rate my beloved country is going, I somehow feel that our lives are somehow being dictated by the few people and when they have favoritism going on, we can all kiss goodbye to our hardwork and our willingness to do a job.

Somehow or rather, we just need to be given our trust. After all, have we forgotten those who gave us theirs in the first place?

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