Friday, April 2, 2010

Teaching : Part I

Ever thought that you have the knack for being a teacher? or like me, always doubted that you could even scrape past the bare minimum requirement to be a teacher?

Fret not, everyone who has that passion for education, the love for children and humanity will always go through the same problem.

Minus those stupid teachers we had in class who reads off textbooks, narrate everything from the PowerPoint slide, don't teach properly in school and force you to go to their home for extra tuition so you can get an A in class. *hate those people*

I mean those who want to see EDUCATION grow as something that MEANS SOMETHING. Gone are the days where teachers were well-loved and respected. Even during our time, there were some teachers still being given their due respect because they were good at what they do. But with times like NOW where parents are pretty much either spoiling their kids too much or just plain imbecils (I am so sorry but some parents are just like that),  I think new-age parenting is spoiling kids much faster than how mould destroys bread.

Sometimes, I pray to that (only one unified) God, thanking him for the opportunity in the teaching career. And the many other days and night, I curse myself for being in this path. There are times your student is just plainly a darling. Like the days I have only Leanne in class, or just Sneha alone in the class. But there are days I have MONSTERS in the class and technically, might have been due to the increasing number of students I have in class. Some days they are just good and obliging, willing to learn. But other days, they just sit there and talk talk talk, make noise, annoy me, scream 'teacher teacher' for the attention when they don't need any and just plainly not letting you help other students. Some are just so incorrigible and some teachers risked breaking their heads against the wall teaching these monsters. But aah, what are we to do?

And all these stupid things your friend tell you about "when are you having kids?" will make you jump on your seat and give them a 2 hour lecture on how terrible your students were, till they NEVER bring the subject up again.

Gosh. Tiring! How did my mum and dad end up having all 4 monkeys, me being one of them? But yeah, they rule by the menacing whip and gnashing teeth.... yes, parents were darn strict with us. Which i think, to a certain extent worked.

But whenever I go back to teaching my darling kids, and suddenly have a heart attack when some parents unexpectedly show up with their kids during my break time or days I am just plainly OFF, I don't know if education has been treated like gold, like how it used to be in the past.

Teachers nowadays are not being given the respect and the autonomy to deal with students the way that it works. We are allowed to a certain extent to reprimand the child, correct them if they are wrong. But some parents refuse to accept a child's mistake and goes on arguing with the teacher.

But of course, teaching is nothing compared to the 6 months at Shittybank Stinkapore.... Being a customer service officer is definitely more 'happening, colorful and exciting', verbally.... Through the phone.. You do the math~

Anyway, I am frankly disappointed in the way education became but I guess there's just nothing I can do. Being alone against the dark world outside with parents ready to take us down one by one. But I can only thank my lucky stars I met most nice parents and tolerable kids...

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