Monday, February 15, 2010

Gua rasa la... I think la...

This really has got to stop...

Why? 2 of the girls whom I love the most in my life have been given the "usual" treatment that they always get.

First, Lim Michelle, my bebe, whom I'll be marrying end of this year.

Second, Elaine Sia, my one and only sister.

I won't go on elaborating what happened to them. But what I would like to note here is that in this world, we just can't live without evil, can we? Just like what Father Lawrence said when we were out for dinner with him.

My late father's favorite verse goes, "If you've got NOTHING GOOD TO SAY, just SHUT THE HELL UP!"

Why can't everyone talk about things that are more constructive, such as the economy in the world today, or the latest invention in the IT industry. Even topics about who's gonna win this next American Idol would a good topic to fucking gossip about compared to whatever people are talking about nowadays.

Just think, if everyone started talking about things that are more constructive, don't you think we would become a brighter nation, more aware of things that are happening around us, and thus leading to a more enlightened bunch of people?

Gossip is evil, dear readers. So is calling people stuff that grievously hurts them. I do not need people to tell me that I'm useless, or that I'm a what-fucking-ever-shit-you-can-think-of. Remember the commandment about "not bearing false witnesses against thy neighbor", commandment number fucking 8??? Oh yes, senseless and uncalled-for insults and name calling falls under that too, THANKS FOR ASKING!

So, conclusion? STOP BEING A HYPOCRITE AND SEDAR SIKIT DOSA ENGKORANG NIH!! I believe in reincarnation. You may be a beautiful ass of a prissy popular girl calling a poor ugly girl "NAH NAH YOU'RE UGLY"... may you die a horrible death, and when you're finally thrown back into the globe, you'll be born as a girl who wears size 40 jeans. A-fucking-men!

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