Wednesday, November 3, 2010

As I thought to myself...

Everything that happens..... It all happens for a reason :)

I do not know much about the wheel of life. I don't know if God really exists. I never met Alexander the Great, neither do I know Tunku Abdul Rahman in person....

But if there is one thing I know, I am having a relatively good life.

Life's enough to drive people bonkers. And everyone is always seeking for that 20% that is missing in their lives and they forget about the 80% that they already have.

If everyone digs deeper into the 80% they have and give/share it with the people around, they might be able to share the 20% others are seeking for an in return, gain that 20% from those whom they share..

But of course... If life was supposed to be this way, we would not have needed policemen to roam around the streets neither would we lock our doors with 10 different latches and padlocks. Probably Yale would not have even existed if it really happened.

And so...

Conclusion is...

Everything happens for a reason. Even the existence of companies manufacturing security locks!

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