Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rich or poor?

Just think about it as a way to describe something.

For example... Full or Empty.

The word 'full' is always understood as 'reaching the brim' or 'towards the maximum mark' or even the feeling of having a lot of food in your tummy.

Empty always describes that something that has nothing that it was supposed to contain. A coin box, an empty heart without love and affection, or even the empty room with nothing besides the 4 walls.

The word RICH and POOR too, have the luxury of being interpreted in this manner.

But no... The world chooses to think that 'RICH' means people with a lot of money to spend. "POOR" would almost automatically qualify those with meager paychecks and those from rural areas as such...

But what we do not see is the fact that RICH can be used to describe the fullness (abundance) of that particular something in a given space. For example, the rich creamy taste of Coffeemate. And richness of someone can also cover aspects like their kindness, gentleness, goodness (etc....)

whereas.... POOR may also be used for people who are lacking of time (e.g. time poor people living in metropolitan cities like Kuala Lumpur where their lives are surrounded by the endless traffic jams even during the weekends) or basically to express how little a person have (e.g. poor in spirit, poor in hope, poor in studies, poor in being able to comprehend what I am saying right now )

But the general people will still refer Rich/Poor to the monetary aspect, nothing else ... Not because they voluntary wanted to... Rather, we've been ingrained to think that way.

Fight that thought..... :)

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